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Urge Urinary Incontinence

Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as urge urinary incontinence or bladder spasms, causes you to experience the urge to urinate more frequently than the typical four to eight times per day. Additionally, you might have to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Many persons who have these diseases must make adjustments to their daily routines, such as their work environment or travel habits, in order to prevent humiliating mishaps. In this post, we’ll go over some of the most crucial information about urge incontinence and bladder spasms, as well as what you may do to relieve the symptoms.
An overactive bladder or abnormal bladder function in daily life
A healthy bladder won’t send you exit signals that make you desire to use the restroom within seconds.
Instead, over time, you’ll likely experience a growing urge. That’s not the case if you have OAB or bladder spasms because the sensation typically comes on suddenly. Involuntary pee loss can occur if the bladder muscle suddenly begins to contract or squeeze, generating this tightening spasm.

Urge urine incontinence is when this occurs as a result of faulty bladder function without you having much control over it. Heavy bladder contractions, which normally keep your bladder under control, overwhelm the urethral sphincter muscles and create leaks.

Your quality of life may be impacted by having any of these disorders because you will need to keep track of the closest restroom.

Why does this occur?
The actual cause of this kind of overactive bladder is sometimes unknown, although the following are some potential causes of bladder spasms and urge urine incontinence:

Drinking fluids

When you drink too much, you produce a lot of pee (polyuria), which might make you feel like you need to go to the bathroom a lot since your bladder quickly fills up. Hyperglycemia, a condition associated with diabetes, can result in increased thirst and excessive urination.
Urinary incontinence is thereby decreased by better diabetes control.

Feelings of urgency might also result from low fluid intake. For instance, cutting back on alcohol in an effort to lessen the sense of urgency may actually make matters worse. That’s because concentrated urine often causes bladder irritation resulting in odiferous urine and urge symptoms.

Constipation, which is known to increase the chance of developing a urinary infection, is also a risk factor for dehydration.

Although bladder spasms or urge urinary incontinence can affect anyone at any age and cause pee leakage, there are some risk factors to consider:

• Drinking a lot of coffee and energy drinks;
• Having a urinary tract infection (bacteria can irritate the bladder lining);
• External Bladder irritation, such as a prolapse, an ovarian tumor, or constipation;
• Bladder stones;
• Fragile post-menopausal mucus, which causes burning and irritation of the urethra in women;
• Enlarged prostate;
• Being overweight

The best way to determine the cause is to visit a doctor. The doctor will most likely collect your urine sample to detect infection, blood or bacteria.

Exercise and training
Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises are quite effective in treating overactive bladder. When an urgent need arises quickly, being able to effectively contract the pelvic floor muscles can actually cause the urge to go.

Simply pull your pelvic floor muscles together tightly, hold it for at least five seconds (like you would while trying to prevent urinating or passing gas), and continue this exercise to progressively increase your strength. A stronger pelvic floor increases your capacity to withstand the need to urinate. You may learn just how to do this the appropriate manner from your doctor or physiotherapist.

Bladder retraining can improve urge urine incontinence

The goal is to re-learn the skills required for appropriate bladder storing/emptying and being aware of incontinence patterns. This includes avoiding last-minute rushing and “just in case” bathroom trips. Examples of the abilities practiced include:
practicing holding urine in the bladder. By doing this, you intentionally lengthen the time between voidings and increase the amount of urine in the bladder.
Instead of running to the bathroom when you suddenly feel the need to, attempt to divert your attention.
when the urge to urinate strikes, contracting the pelvic floor muscle.
Organizing bathroom trips to prevent tension and anxiety.
In this method, increase the intervals between bathroom visits. A bladder journal may also be useful.

It’s also typical to monitor your intake of alcohol and other substances, as well as do several bladder tests to gage your urination pace, bladder pressure, and the volume of urine that remains in your bladder after urinating.

It’s a good idea to call your doctor if you suffer any of these signs and symptoms:

A burning feeling when urinating, pee leakage, blood in the urine, an unexpected increase in the urgency forcing you to use the restroom, and waking up multiple times at night to use the restroom.
What can you do in this regard?
Take these steps if your lifestyle causes urge incontinence or bladder spasms.
To begin with, it may be wise to avoid or consume less alcohol and other substances like energy drinks, coffee or tea.

See our products that can help with incontinence here.

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